EU Council Alert: new sanctions against Russia for destabilising activities in the European Union

Russia: new framework of sanctions against those responsible for destabilising activities against the EU and its Member States

The Council has established a new framework of restrictive measures against Russia in response to its actions abroad.

The Council has approved the new regulation on restrictive measures against Russia. Council Decision (CFSP) 2024/2643 of 8 October 2024 concerning restrictive measures in view of Russia’s destabilising activities and Council Regulation (EU) 2024/2642 of 8 October 2024 concerning restrictive measures in view of Russia’s destabilising activities have been published and entered into force.

Sanctioned persons will be identified in due course in the annexes to the Decision and the Regulation.  They will include those responsible for actions or measures of the State of the Russian Federation which undermine or threaten the democracy and the rule of law of the European Union or any of its Member States.

These actions may include obstruction of the democratic process (by manipulating electoral processes or destabilising the constitutional order), support for demonstrations and violent acts aimed at silencing or intimidating persons critical of the actions and policies of the Russian Federation, manipulation and interference with information, disruption of the functioning of institutions and services of public interest, instrumentalization of migrants under Art. 1.4(b) of Regulation (EU) 2024/1359, and exploitation and instigation of armed conflicts in a third state.

Planning, directing, undertaking, directly or indirectly, or otherwise facilitating the aforementioned actions shall be considered as participation in such actions and shall be sanctioned accordingly.

Council Decision (CFSP) 2024/2643 requires Member States to take appropriate measures to prevent the entry into and transit through their territories of natural persons responsible for actions detrimental to democracy. The Decision will apply until 9 October 2025 and may be extended.

Furthermore, with regard to natural and legal persons responsible for the same acts, Member States shall freeze and prevent the making available of all funds and economic resources belonging to them, as provided for in Article 2 of Decision (CFSP) 2024/2643 and Regulation (EU) 2024/2642.

The legal regime allows Member States to implement certain exemptions to such prohibitions where necessary, such as for urgent humanitarian reasons. Exemptions must be duly justified.

In conclusion, the EU’s new framework of restrictive measures has adopted a strong and coordinated approach to address hybrid threats stemming from destabilising activities in the so-called grey zone. Through Decision (CFSP) 2024/2643 and Regulation (EU) 2024/2642, the European Union will obtain a tightening of its control over all natural persons and entities that undermine European democracy, regardless of their nationality.



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