Real Estate Sector

Real Estate, Commercial, Tax and Urban Planning Law

Areas of Expertise

Construction agent liability
Design, construction, architecture and project contracts
Environmental planning
Flats and condominiums
Joint ventures
Legal proceedings and arbitration
Promotion and technical construction contracts
Purchase and sale of real estate and land
Real estate due diligence
Real estate swaps
Real estate tax law
Regulatory considerations
Risk management
Sale and leaseback operations

Ángel Lavín

Partner and  Director of Real Estate

International Team

Our local coordinators work as a team on the issues that pertain to this area of ​​practice with the allied, associated or correspondent firm in their jurisdiction. This firm has specialists in this area of ​​practice who work in English, as well as in their local languages.

Lawyers specialising in the real estate sector

Despite the fact that in recent months some optimism has returned to the European real estate market, economic uncertainty and concerns that the sector will not regain the pre-2008 business outlook mean that certain important challenges still face the industry.

The economic turmoil in recent years has forced the sector to review its business models, and now more than ever companies need the help of an expert on the legal framework. In LUPICINIO INTERNATIONAL LAW FIRM we have a multidisciplinary team that can solve all of our clients’ legal needs, with lawyers specialized in real estate law, corporate law, tax, employment and urban planning. This allows us to provide multiple global solutions, focused on the business objectives of our clients.

We are away that this global service, able to cover all the angles of this hectic but fundamental area of the Spanish economy, can only be provided by combining the knowledge our professionals have in all the legal disciplines involved.

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