The post-criminal conduct of the legal person as a cause for exclusion of criminal liability

We are pleased to announce the publication by Aranzadi LA LEY of a monograph by Fátima Rodríguez González-Chaves, head of our Criminal and Compliance Department, entitled “La conducta postdelictual de la persona jurídica como causa de exclusión de la responsabilidad penal” (The post-criminal conduct of the legal person as a cause for exclusion of criminal liability).

This legal study was recently presented at the Madrid Bar Association (ICAM) by the prestigious judges of the Supreme Court, Antonio del Moral and Manuel Marchena, accompanied by the Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Alcalá de Henares, Esteban Mestre, in a magnificent presentation that included outstanding contributions and interventions by the speakers.

In this work, Fátima tackles with depth and rigour a key issue in the field of criminal law: the criminal exclusion of the legal person; which constitutes a valuable and groundbreaking contribution to the doctrine and practice in this area, in which the author aims to provide a penological treatment that distinguishes the legal person from the physical person, in a detailed study through comparative law, legal theory or even biology, in the criminal context.

This valuable contribution reflects his commitment to legal excellence and the spirit of continuous renewal, updating and necessary progress of criminal law.

For more information on the work and details, please click on the following link (Spanish).



More information:

Lupicinio International Law Firm

C/ Villanueva 29
28001 Madrid
P: +34 91 436 00 90


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