2022-11-17 News

The Best Lawyers directory has recognised a prestigious representation of our partners and lawyers in its 15th edition “The Best Lawyers Spain 2023”.

It is a great honour for Lupicinio International Law Firm to celebrate the recognition of our team of professionals once again, and to continue to be present in such a select directory demonstrating our legal talent.

Congratulations to you all!

Best Lawyers bases its awards exclusively on the votes of lawyers already recognised by this leading directory, rather than on the opinions of clients. The methodology is designed to capture, as accurately as possible, the opinion of leading lawyers on the professional skills of their peers within the same geographic region and area of legal expertise. To do this, Best Lawyers uses a planned survey process to obtain representative and essential assessments of the quality of legal services, experience, transparency and accountability of professionals.

From our team of partners and lawyers nominated in this 2023 edition according to practice areas, Best Lawyers has recognised:

Esther Cubillo (recognised since 2015)

  • Insolvency and Reorganization Law
  • Litigation

Gonzalo Ruiz (recognised since 2020)

  • Insolvency and Reorganization Law
  • Litigation

Ángel Valdés (recognised since 2017)

  • Competition / Antitrust Law
  • Corporate and Merger and Adquisitions Law

Luis Manuel García (recognised since 2020)

  • Banking and Finance Law

Ángel Lavín (recognised since 2015)

  • Real Estate Law

Antonio López Poza (recognised since 2020)

  • Tax Law

Álvaro Narváez Rezola (recognised since 2020)

  • Arbitration and Mediation
  • Litigation

Fátima Rodríguez González

  • Corporate Governance and Compliance Practice

In the following link to the Best Lawyers website you can learn more about this important legal directory.



More information:

Lupicinio International Law Firm

C/ Villanueva 29
28001 Madrid
P: +34 91 436 00 90


International Sanctions, Arbitration, Litigation, Criminal, Competition AND MORE!

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