Alert EU Council: The European Union renews restrictive measures against Syria and extends humanitarian exemption for another year

The Council has extended the European Union´s restrictive measures against the Syrian Assad government and its supporters, as well as sectors of the economy from which they profit. They are extended until June 1, 2025, in view of the “seriousness of the deteriorating situation in Syria as it continues to pursue a policy of repression and violation of human rights”, according to the Council. Furthermore, the Council has decided to remove one individual and five deceased persons from the list. Therefore, the restrictive measures currently in force now affect a total of 316 individuals and 86 entities.

The humanitarian exemption introduced in February 2023 due to the “severe humanitarian crisis in Syria” has been extended, intensified by the earthquake that affected Turkey and Syria. This decision will ensure the continued and timely provision of humanitarian aid and other activities to support the basic needs of Syrian civilians. It will also increase coherence between EU restrictive measures and those taken at United Nations level.

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