Alert EU Council: 13th package of restrictive measures against Russia

The Council adopted a thirteenth package of restrictive measures against Russia and its allies.

The Council decided to impose sanctions on 106 individuals and 88 entities for actions which undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. The new measures target the military and defense sectors, people involved in the supply of arms from North Korea to Russia, members of the judiciary, local politicians and those responsible for the illegal deportation and military re-education of Ukrainian children.

The Council also extended measures against entities assisting Russia’s military-industrial complex in its aggression against Ukraine. Twenty-seven new entities have been added, tightening export restrictions on dual-use goods and technology. These include items that contribute to the improvement of Russia’s defense and security sector. Some third country entities (India, Sri Lanka, China, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Thailand and Turkey) that circumvent trade restrictions are affected.

It also targets Russian entities involved in the development of electronic components for the military industrial complex. The decision also extends the restrictions to components for the development and production of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).



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