Jose Luis Iriarte is named Representative for the International Union of Lawyers in Spain

2020-12-30 News
Jose Luis Iriarte, our Of Counsel, has been appointed Representative of the International Union of Lawyers in the Spanish office.

The Coordinating Council of the International Union of Lawyers, a non-governmental organisation created in 1989 which brings together more than thirty thousand legal professionals, has elected José Luis Iriarte, a distinguished member of the Commission, as the Representative of the International Union of Lawyers in the Kingdom of Spain.

This is the first representation of the International Union of Lawyers in Spain, with Jose Luis as its representative. He will be responsible for any questions, national and international, and will work on behalf of the Union.

José Luis Iriarte is an expert in international sanctions, arbitration and private international law. He is also Professor of Private International Law at the Public University of Navarra and of the Jean Monnet Chair of the European Union. He has given numerous courses and conferences in some twenty foreign countries. He has taken part in numerous litigations before the General Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union, mainly in the field of international sanctions.

His research has resulted in several books, including two monographs, as well as his participation in several commentaries on various legal texts – including a commentary on the Civil Code in which he collaborates with the judges of the 1st Chamber of the Supreme Court – and several dozen articles.

On behalf of the entire Lupicinio team, we wish our distinguished friend and colleague José Luis Iriarte every success in this important social and international position.

Congratulations to Jose Luis Iriarte!



More information:

C/ Villanueva 29, 28001 Madrid

T: +34 91 436 00 90

Av. Diagonal 520, 08006 Barcelona

T: +34 93 488 28 02


International Sanctions, Arbitration, Litigation, Criminal, Competition AND MORE!

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