Global Chambers & Partners 2019

Lupicinio International Law  Firm globally recognised as senior expert in Cuba


  • Lupicinio International Law Firm is for the second time in 2 consecutive years in band 2, in the category of commercial law for Cuba.
  • The partner and director of the Madrid office of the firm, Jose Maria Viñals Camallonga, has been highlighted in band 1 for Cuba and recognized in litigation for Russia.


Madrid, 14th February 2019. – Lupicinio International Law Firm has once again been recognized for the second consecutive year in the prestigious Global ranking of Chambers & Partners for its experience in Cuba. It has been placed in band 2 of the commercial law category for the work carried out on the island. Likewise, the partner and director of the office of the law firm in Madrid, Jose María Viñals Camallonga, has been highlighted in band 1 for Cuba and, for the first year, is recognized in litigation resolution in Cuba and Russia.

The legal guide Chambers & Partners, which, since 1990 publishes one of the most prestigious international lists of studies and lawyers, unveiled the 2019 highlights for its global guide on Thursday, emphasizing the consolidated presence of Lupicinio International Law Firm in Cuba: “Its extensive knowledge of the Cuban market makes it a key contact for international companies that require corporate assistance in the region.”

The same directory points out in its guide for Latin America 2018 that the firm “has a legitimate presence in the country, which is a great differentiating feature. It is not just a relationship of connections with some people in Havana, it is a permanent presence that reassures the client to a great extent, since their counseling work is accurate. ”

In addition, those interviewed by Chambers & Partners pointed out that José María Viñals is “a true expert who has invested years in the market and is highly practical,” according to one source. Other clients praise his commercial vision: “He understands the mercantile requirements, and not only focuses on the legal aspect, but he also listens to the client”. The guide highlights that the partner has a deep legal knowledge of matters related to Russia and Cuba and, in general, helps with commercial issues and litigation.



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