World Law Alliance (WLA) appoints Lupicinio Rodriguez as WLA Global Council Member and Vice President.

2021-04-15 News

WLA, one of the largest legal services platforms, based in India, has announced that Lupicinio Rodriguez, Managing Partner of Lupicinio International Law Firm (LILF), has been appointed as a member of the WLA Global Council and Vice President. He will lead the WLA in Spain and will be responsible for aligning the necessary resources to drive the execution of all its initiatives and business.

“I am delighted to welcome Mr. Lupicinio Rodriguez to our Global Council,” said Krishan Kakkar, Chairman of the World Law Alliance, WLA. “He brings much needed energy and a wealth of regional resources at this critical stage of the WLA’s early growth, during its beginnings in the European region. I am confident that our global initiative will benefit from Mr. Rodriguez’s regional insights and global perspective as we continue to focus on executing our strategy and delivering value for our members and clients around the world.”

“At LILF,” states Lupicinio Rodriguez, “we have committed to WLA, a new, fresh, forward-looking network. Indian leadership is a source of great hope. It is a legal culture that is less anchored in profit maximisation. This profit maximisation has made the unaffordable service of Anglo-American firms (financially) unsustainable. On the other hand, India’s leadership in new technologies and AI makes it possible to realise these new forms of lawyering grounded in global efficiency from LPM criteria.”

About LILF

We have therefore opted for an austere legal practice, supported by solid communication technology, AI and legal-procedural prognosis technologies.

Global firms must be deployed with scrupulous respect for Local Firms, which are the true “connoiseurs” of their markets and of the most pressing needs in those markets. Local firms, rooted in the sustainability of resources and austerity of costs, and based on an organised and non-hierarchical structure, are the future. Clusters of local and boutique firms must consolidate effectively to compete with the mega-firms.

The emerging clusters are alternative, efficient and considerably cheaper models – they are models focused on wisdom. They are a transversal practices that will reduce costs exponentially, while bringing in the expertise of hyper-specialised and independent firms and boutiques. These firms, well connected by the new technologies of communication, research and prognosis, provide a non-colonial, financially sustainable and humanly enriching model of neo-advocacy. In terms of specialisation, I would like to underline that the cluster model allows for the weaving of highly specialised capillary networks.

The traditional mega-law firm does not seem to be able to sustain values such as family reconciliation, effective equality of women and minorities, multifaceted growth of lawyers, which poses a problem of pure sustainability of the profession in the long term. Investigative journalism has highlighted the tragedy of slave-like working hours in the cities – often 70, 80 or even 90 hours a week. Is it possible to sustain adequate cognitive stress, psycho-emotional stability and a serious family life with these hours?

It is clear that our model solves the current inconsistencies with great simplicity – e.g. the double shift. Our model is based on well-established principles of neo-advocacy. Of course, many dollarised professionals in the field of dominance will find austerity difficult to accept. But it is austerity that, together with transparency and humanisation, will make the legal profession as socially respectable as the health, teaching or scientific professions.

In short, the future of the legal profession will be a scenario in which Local Wisdom will be grouped into organised national or international clusters such as WLA, offering clients impeccable advice with global efficiency. The corporate lawyers of the paleo-advocacy are questioning the concept of legal work anchored in profit and based on endless and dehumanised working hours.  The idea of clusters or networks flows along the path of rationality and conciliation.


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World Law Alliance WLA nominates and appoints Mr Lupicinio

World Law Alliance, WLA Nominates and Appoints Mr. Lupicinio Rodriguez as a member of the Global Council of WLA & Vice President



More information:

Lupicinio International Law Firm

C/ Villanueva 29

28001 Madrid

T: +34 91 436 00 90

F: +34 91 587 24 99



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