Lupicinio International Law Firm adds Aviation and Insurance Law to its practice areas

2021-04-06 News
  • The law firm focuses on these practice areas in order to offer its clients a high quality local service, both nationally and internationally.


With the incorporation of Irene Sánchez del Río Moreta as Of Counsel, Lupicinio International Law Firm consolidates two key areas of specialisation, Aviation Law and Insurance Law.

Both areas will have an experienced and multidisciplinary team, specialised in providing comprehensive advice in both sectors. They will work together with other practice areas to develop cross-cutting solutions in all matters affecting companies in the industry.

Irene Sánchez del Río, a graduate in Law from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and with a Master’s degree in Corporate Legal Consultancy from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, has a long track record as a senior lawyer specialising in transport insurance and air transport. Irene also stands out for her teaching activities in the field of specialised postgraduate courses, which have been a constant feature of her professional life.

Irene and the rest of the team are aware of the challenges faced by aviation and insurance professionals, and that client needs are especially critical in these times of crisis.

With regard to aviation, COVID 19 has had a profound impact on the aviation industry, resulting in the loss of thousands of jobs in the sector and necessitating the intervention of EASA to alleviate the requirements for the maintenance of licences, ratings and certificates for aircrew, among other needs.

In relation to insurance, this sector is under increasing regulation by the European Union to protect consumer rights. This issue has led to an increase in the requirements to be met by intermediaries, the information to be provided in the process of contracting a product, those related to the solvency of insurers, and even the content of the coverage of certain policies.

Irene, together with an expert and multi-jurisdictional team, will advise both insurance companies and policyholders, when drafting or interpreting the different types of policies from which certain controversies may arise and, naturally, when reacting to and handling a claim until the rights of the interested party – insured or insurer – are ultimately satisfied, either judicially or extra-judicially.

These two new areas of specialisation will be added to its existing leading practices and will serve clients all over the world. If insurance law is a global discipline, we will provide it from Spain.




About Lupicinio International Law Firm

Founded in 1980, Lupicinio International Law Firm is a global and multidisciplinary law firm, leader in the Spanish market. With more than 40 years of experience, the firm specialises in providing legal advice on highly complex matters to support companies with global activities.

Its international vocation is predominant, which is materialised through a consolidated network of own, associated, allied or synergic offices in countries such as Dubai, Cuba, Algeria and Iran. In Spain, it has offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Vigo and Valladolid.

The firm and its lawyers have been recognised by the most prestigious legal directories, such as Legal 500, Best Lawyer, IFLR 1000, PLC Leaders Legue, and Chambers and Partners.


More information:

Lupicinio International Law Firm

C/ Villanueva 29

28001 Madrid

T: +34 91 436 00 90

F: +34 91 587 24 99


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