We join the Advisory Council of the IOC

2019-03-16 EspañaNews

IOC Lupicinio

Our Executive Chairman Lupicinio Rodríguez and Of Counsel Sergio Salcines have joined the Advisory Council of the Institute of Compliance Officers (IOC). This is a non-profit association that brings together professionals of regulatory compliance and promotes the figure of the compliance officer as a key function of good corporate governance, among other functions.

The Board was created as an advisory body whose purpose is to advise and collaborate with the Board of Directors of the institution in all those activities aimed at the effective fulfillment of the foundational purposes, as well as in those strategic issues that affect the future of the profession and the institution.

The Advisory Board is composed of:

– Sergio Salcines (President – Managing Partner of Informa Consulting)

– Lipicinio Rodriguez Jimenez (Founder of Lupicinio International Law Firm)

– María Dolores Pescador Castrillo (CEO and Co-Founder Regtech Solutions)

– Ramón Abella Rubio (Partner PWC)

– Ángel Luis López Roa (Professor and former Director of the Bank of Spain)

– Eduardo Torres – Dulce Lifante (former Attorney General of the State)

– Mario Alonso Ayala (President Auren and former President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Spain)

– Fabio Pascua Mateo (ex-secretary of CNMV – Lawyer of the Cortes Generales)



It promotes the figure of the compliance officer as a key function of good corporate governance.

It develops and disseminates the profession of this figure, as well as the professionals who exercise it, contributing to the success of organizations, transparency in the markets, the defense of the interests of shareholders, customers and other interest groups.

It represents compliance officers before national and international agencies and institutions.

It promotes the development of active policies of regulatory compliance, providing this professional exercise with quality standards.

It improves the prevention, detection and deterrence of fraud, as well as transparency and good corporate governance through information and training on good practices in regulatory compliance.

It stimulates sectoral and multisector initiatives in order to strengthen the profession of compliance officers and promotes compliance with laws and regulations in organizations.

It promotes and favors public recognition of the competence and excellence of organizations in Regulatory Compliance and the profession of compliance officers.

It encourages and develops institutional relationships and establishes channels of communication and dialogue with other public or private entities, national or international, related to the purposes of the association.


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