The diamond industry in Russia holds significant global importance, as Russia stands as the world’s largest producer of diamonds, accounting for about 31 % of global production.

Alrosa, a state-owned company, plays a pivotal role in this industry, responsible for mining approximately 90% of Russia’s diamonds. However, the industry has encountered challenges due to sanctions imposed by several countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and others, in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. These sanctions involve import bans on Russian diamonds and restrictions on Alrosa.

The global diamond sector is now preparing for the new ban on Russian diamonds by the European Union, which is expected to further impact the industry.

The impact of these sanctions on the diamond industry is significant. The U.S. sanctions on Alrosa and the ban on imports of rough diamonds from Russia have already affected the industry, since Western customers are shunning from Russia’s gemstones. The industry is concerned about the potential shortage of non-Russian diamonds and the resulting gradual increase in prices for jewellery shoppers. In summary, the diamond industry in Russia is facing significant challenges due to sanctions imposed by several countries, which are expected to have a substantial impact on the global diamond market.

Alrosa, as Russia’s leading diamond mining and distribution company, has maintained a significant role in the diamond industry over time. In 2021, Alrosa’s mine output was 32.4 million carats, making it the world’s largest single rough diamond producer, accounting for 29% of global output. The company’s revenue in 2021 was approximately $4 billion, second only to De Beers in terms of top-line value. Alrosa’s revenue in the first half of 2023 brought the total to 188.2 billion roubles, up 0.2 % from the same period in 2022. Despite facing sanctions, the company has managed to maintain strong diamond sales, with its first-half revenue in 2023 remaining at the year-ago levels. Alrosa’s significance in the global diamond market is underscored by its large share of global rough production. The company’s resilience is evident as it continues to navigate the complexities of the global diamond supply chain amidst the sanctions and discussions about a potential ban on Russian diamonds by the Group of Seven (G7). In summary, Alrosa’s diamond production has remained substantial over time, with the company maintaining its position as a major player in the global diamond industry, despite the challenges posed by sanctions and potential bans on Russia’s diamonds.

Several factors have contributed to Alrosa’s diamond production growth over time. These include strong demand growth, price increases, and the company’s resilience amidst sanctions or pandemic challenges. The diamond industry is currently navigating the impact of sanctions and potential bans on Russian diamonds, which are expected to have significant implications for the global diamond market.

With 40% of Russian diamond exports in 2021 going to Belgium, possible sanctions on Russia by the EU could be a determining factor in the industry for Russia.



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