IFLR1000: LILF recognised in Spain 2024 edition

Lupicinio International Law Firm has been highlighted by the IFLR1000 directory in its Spain 2024 edition. This directory carries out an annual qualitative analysis of international law firms, publishing rankings, classifications and awards, as well as editorial content. The evaluation carried out by IFLR1000 to award its recognition in a given jurisdiction is based on evidence of the handling, management and resolution of relevant legal cases, as well as client feedback on the professional services provided by the law firms.

The IFLR1000 currently ranks approximately 5,000 firms and more than 21,000 lawyers in 12 practice areas and 250 jurisdictions. It receives nominations from firms around the world and produces rankings and ratings for law firms and lawyers specialising in the financial and corporate sectors.

In the Spain 2024 edition, IFLR1000 recognised several LILF practice areas represented by our partners. To view the awards, please click on the link below):

  • Project Development (Tier 3): Luis Manuel García and Ángel Valdés
  • Mergers & Acquisitions (Notable): Luis Manuel García and Ángel Valdés
  • Banking (Notable): Salvador Escribano and Luis Manuel García

These awards confirm LILF‘s commitment to professional responsibility and excellence.




More information:

Lupicinio International Law Firm

C/ Villanueva 29
28001 Madrid
P: +34 91 436 00 90


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