The Provincial Court of Madrid has ruled in favour of the former president of the Community of Madrid, Cristina Cifuentes, against Cecosa Hipermercados, a subsidiary of the Eroski group, and has decided to compensate Cristina Cifuentes with €30,000 for not adequately safeguarding certain images taken in a public establishment that violated her right to privacy and data protection.

Fátima Rodríguez González-Chaves, head of criminal law and regulatory compliance at Lupicinio International Law Firm and Cristina Cifuentes’ legal representative, considered that “there is a need for a jurisprudential trend that ensures true protection of the right to privacy against excessive weight, which sometimes occurs in favour of the right to information. At the dawn of democracy it was essential to give primacy to the right to information, but today, in the society in which we live, it is essential to protect the right to privacy tooth and nail.”

Lupicinio Rodríguez, managing partner of the Firm, commented that “in a country so constrained by politics and the media, this ruling is clarifying. The compensation is of little relevance; we consider it significant that the judiciary acted as it has did, fulfilling its role as guarantor of the protection of fundamental rights, far from media or political campaigns.”

Our most sincere congratulations to the legal team involved in this case, led by Fátima Rodríguez González-Chaves.



More information:

Lupicinio International Law Firm

C/ Villanueva 29
28001 Madrid
P: +34 91 436 00 90


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