Blog of José Carlos Fernández Rozas: Review on TC doctrine (STSJ Madrid 14 November 2023)

High specialisation is not only found in large global firms. The sector has valuable independent experts who approach the knowledge and practice of law from perspectives of excellence, highlighting the richness and diversity of legal knowledge.

We share with you a review published in the blog of José Carlos Fernández Rozas, distinguished professor of international private law and renowned jurist, on the doctrine of the Constitutional Court on the correct delimitation of public order, ratifying the legal and doctrinal criterion against its expansive understanding (STSJ Madrid CP 1ª 14 November 2023) (only in Spanish). His intelligent approach and profound knowledge of the subject always bring an interesting dimension to the understanding and practice of law.

We thank José Carlos for allowing us to share his text and encourage our readers to explore his blog further: Fernández Rozas. (Spanish only).



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Lupicinio International Law Firm

C/ Villanueva 29
28001 Madrid
P: +34 91 436 00 90




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