New U.S. sanctions in China

2019-10-10 NewsNewsletters

US China

The US government has decided to blacklist China’s 28 “top Artificial Intelligence startups” (20 Chinese public security offices as well as 8 technology and video surveillance companies). As a consequence, it is impossible for China to do business with the US without the prior consent of the US government, which could be very damaging.

The US has followed the same processes as that of the HUAWEI case, limiting the activity of the subject to sanction for reasons of national security.

The reason for this sanction is due to the alleged abuses in Xinijiang. According to the Department of Commerce, the 28 entities “have been implicated in human rights violations and abuses in the implementation of China’s crackdown campaign, arbitrary mass arrests and high-tech surveillance against Uighurs, Kazakhs and other members of Muslim minority groups.”

On the other hand, Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang has made it clear that the US should stop intervening in China’s internal affairs and that it will continue to take firm and determined measures to protect its sovereign security.

After 15 months of trying to stabilize relations between China and the US, this decision is a clear indication that trade war is not over.


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