We travel to Cuba and Brussels

2018-11-22 News

Our managing partners from Madrid and Barcelona traveled to Cuba and Brussels

This week, our partner-director of Madrid and the Department of International Operations, José María Viñals, travels to Havana, Cuba, on the occasion of the official visit of President Pedro Sánchez.

Thus, Lupicinio International Law Firm will be part of the set of Spanish companies that accompanies the President, which is composed largely of business organizations already estblished in Cuba or that have an interest in accessing the market of the Island. The visit of Pedro Sánchez comes at a time when Cuba seeks to attract direct investment (FDI) to alleviate its crisis due to a lack of foreign exchange. This is attributed to the endemic inefficiency of its state state system and the effects of the embargo imposed by  the US for sixty years.

For more information, read the expectations of the visit to Cuba by clicking here.

On the other hand, our partner-director of the Madrid office and the area of ​​Competition Law, Ángel Valdés, will meet this Thursday, November 22, in Brussels along with other members of the European Antitrust Alliance.

Lupicinio International Law Firm joined this alliance as the only Spanish law firm, which has a total of 16 law firms from several jurisdictions such as Belgium, United Kingdom, France, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, among others. The alliance brings together the knowledge and resources of specialized antitrust teams in the States of the European Union, to provide clients with full advice on the subject of competition law.

Cuba Bruselas


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