International Trade March 2024

Brexit and UK-EU trade (2 March)

It is one year since the UK left the European single market. Bilateral trade has been affected by new rules and tariffs.

Trade tension grows between China and Taiwan (03 March)

China increases military activities near Taiwan in response to a US delegation’s visit to the island. The situation could affect trade relations between the two countries.

WTO Barometer: Weak upward trend in trade (8 March)

The WTO indicator stood at 100.6 points, close to the benchmark level of 100. Growth in world merchandise trade could be destabilised by regional conflicts and geopolitical tensions.

United States and Mexico: Dispute over GM maize (10 March)

Mexico threatens tariffs on US products if its permits for GM maize are not approved. The dispute could affect bilateral trade.

Unctad: International Trade to Rebound in 2024 (15 March)

Unctad’s Global Trade Update points to a possible rebound in world trade after several quarters of declines. Data for the first quarter of 2024 are positive for the coming months.

China and EU sign investment agreement (18 March)

The agreement, which protects European investments in China, is seen as a milestone in trade relations between the two players.

WTO SPS Committee Meeting (20-22 March)

WTO Members moved forward with the sixth review of the SPS Agreement and addressed a large number of trade concerns. The benefits of SPS measures for economic growth and job creation in French-speaking African countries were highlighted.

WTO launches initiative to facilitate trade in vaccines (24 March)

The initiative aims to remove trade barriers and increase global vaccine production.

War in Ukraine and global trade (24 March)

The war continues to have a negative impact on world trade, with rising commodity and energy prices.

EU and Mercosur resume negotiations (29 March)

After several years of stalemate, the two regions meet in Brussels to make progress on a trade agreement. Talks are expected to intensify in the coming months.




In Madrid, 31 March 2024

International Trade and Sanctions Department

Lupicinio International Law Firm





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