ATA: The Hungarian Curia puts an end to the controversial jurisprudence on non-compliance with administrative deadlines by the Competition Authority

We share with our readers an interesting article published by the Antitrust Alliance (ATA) on the decision of the Curia of Hungary – the supreme court of Hungary – that put end to debated case-law issue – not meeting administrative deadlines by the competition authority does not prevent undertakings under investigation from being fined. In a recent resolution for the uniformity of law, the Curia – the supreme court of Hungary – confirmed the correctness of the position of the Hungarian Competition Authority (the “GVH”) on authority decisions taken after the administrative deadline of the investigation expired.

Lupicinio International Law Firm is an active member of the Antitrust Alliance, an excellent example of the CLUST_er model, which is formed by an alliance of law firms specialised in Competition Law. ATA provides global Competition Law services in Europe and has a Band 1 ranking in Chambers & Partners. ATA combines three important factors: cognitive desire, a sense of collaboration and flexibility in pricing.

To read the all article, please click on the following link.



More information:

Lupicinio International Law Firm

C/ Villanueva 29
28001 Madrid
P: +34 91 436 00 90


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