For the second consecutive year, Lupicinio International Law Firm has participated in the Executive Programme organised by the School of Transnational Governance of the European University Institute, which promotes reflection on the challenges and effectiveness of the European Union’s restrictive measures in sensitive jurisdictions, with special attention to the case of the international sanctions imposed against Russia.

The programme of this second edition was designed to provide participants with a set of practical and analytical tools to understand international sanctions from a variety of perspectives, including legal, economic and political. In line with the planned methodology, the presentation sessions were delivered by experienced practitioners, lawyers and academics, allowing participants to gain an in-depth understanding of the main issues and challenges posed by the European system of restrictive measures.

The training sessions covered interesting topics such as the impact of European jurisprudence on the protection of fundamental rights, the effectiveness of restrictive measures in terms of economic performance and their legitimacy in the political context, as well as the role of international sanctions in the European Union’s foreign policy and geopolitical strategy.

This Executive Programme included an extraordinary residential training phase, held at Palazzo Buontalenti in Florence (Italy), where it was possible to interact with European Union officials, compliance officers, academics and lawyers specialised and interested in the subject of international sanctions and restrictive measures, which was an excellent opportunity for Lupicinio International Law Firm to establish contacts and explore the latest reflections and trends in this interesting area of specialisation.

We would like to thank Michael Bishop, Petra Mahnič, Juan Ignacio Signes De Mesa, George Papaconstantinou, Maria Demertzis, Alisa Nedea, Frank Hoffmeister, Jan Dunin-Wasowicz, Clara Portela, the programme organisers, Jakov Bojović and Katherine Miccinilli, as well as the esteemed participants of this important event for their hard work and comprehensive programme, and for the valuable support of the presenters.



More information:

Lupicinio International Law Firm

C/ Villanueva 29
28001 Madrid
P: +34 91 436 00 90



International Sanctions, Arbitration, Litigation, Criminal, Competition AND MORE!

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