Chambers & Partners has once again recognised the Antitrust Alliance (ATA) as the leading network of law firms specialising in Competition Law in Europe. The ATA is made up of 19 prestigious European law firms and Lupicinio International Law Firm is the only member of the alliance located in Spain. LILF‘s Competition Law team is coordinated by Ángel Valdés, a partner of the Firm, with extensive experience and knowledge in advising companies on prohibited conduct and antitrust regulation, both in Spanish and European law.

The inclusion of ATA in the Global Market Leaders – Law Firm Networks Europe section of the Chambers & Partners Global Guide 2023 is one of the most prestigious recognitions in the legal world; and beyond this, being named Band 1 is testimony to the great expertise of the members of the network in European Competition Law. ATA members’ commitment to excellence is highlighted in their daily work and in the way they have become leaders in this field, providing both practical and effective solutions to complex Competition Law problems, which has been recognised by clients and colleagues alike.

Providing a high quality service and working closely together with members of the alliance is undoubtedly one of the reasons why they have managed to maintain a leading position, so this recognition is not only an award for skill and knowledge, but also an award for work ethic and the capability to adapt to a changing and challenging world by understanding clients’ needs.

Congratulations to all members of the Antitrust Alliance (ATA) for such a well-deserved distinction!



More information:

Lupicinio International Law Firm

C/ Villanueva 29
28001 Madrid
P: +34 91 436 00 90


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