2022-11-15 News

The Leaders League directory has recognised our firm as one of the Best Law Firms in Spain in its 2022-2023 edition.

Lupicinio International Law Firm congratulates our award-winning partners, and celebrates the recognition for their excellent professional work and great expertise in their areas and competences.

Founded in 1996 in Paris, Leaders League is a leading international rating and business services agency dedicated to the evaluation and presentation of international rankings and news content in the legal, financial, technology and human resources world.

In this 2022-2023 edition according to practice areas, Leaders League has recommended:

Transaction & Deals: Real Estate

  • Ángel Lavin

Finance, Restructuration & Tax: Banking and Finance Advisory

  • Esther Cubillo
  • Luis Manuel García
  • Salvador Escribano

Congratulations to all!


To view the Leaders League’s publication of these awards, please follow the links below: Real EstateBanking & Finance Advisory



More information:

Lupicinio International Law Firm

C/ Villanueva 29
28001 Madrid
P: +34 91 436 00 90


International Sanctions, Arbitration, Litigation, Criminal, Competition AND MORE!

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