Chambers & Partners: LILF recognised in Latin America Guide 2025 for its practice in Cuba

Lupicinio International Law Firm has once again been recognised in Chambers & Partners’ Latin America Guide 2025 in the category Corporate/Commercial: International Firms – Band 3. This prestigious legal directory has highlighted the most outstanding firms and lawyers in Latin America, underlining LILF’s strong presence in Cuba, where it maintains a permanent representation in Havana in close collaboration with the local firm ‘Bufete Internacional’. It is important to note that our firm provides high quality advice to clients and companies on commercial agreements and joint ventures, as well as the establishment of commercial operations in Cuba, particularly in the Mariel Special Development Zone. In addition, LILF advises banking institutions on the granting of commercial loans to Cuban state-owned companies and provides expertise in sectors such as transport, energy, tourism, media and consumer goods.

LILF’s strong and legitimate presence in Cuba has been an important hallmark of the firm over the years. In addition, the local presence of Imara Betancourt, a Cuban lawyer and member of LILF’s International Department, has been fundamental. Imara Betancourt has also been recognised by Chambers & Partners as an ‘Associate to watch’ in the Latin America Guide 2025, in the Corporate/Commercial: International Firms category. During the research phase for these awards, the directory highlighted that “Imara Betancourt is an excellent professional who offers efficient services and very sophisticated work.”

This type of recognition for Lupicinio International Law Firm, by one of the most important legal directories in the world, is a testimony to our commitment to excellence and dedication to our work. To view the award, please click on the following link.



More information:

Lupicinio International Law Firm

C/ Villanueva 29
28001 Madrid
P: +34 91 436 00 90


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