We share an article published by the Antitrust Alliance (ATA) on a brief overview of recent key developments in Estonia regarding competition policy and enforcement in this country. This article provides a brief overview of recent key developments in Estonia regarding competition policy and enforcement. Namely, the status of the transposition of the ECN+ Directive into Estonian law, the Estonian Competition Authorities’ analysis of the 2020 pharmacy reform, investigation of a potential grain cartel and CA’s analysis of the food market.
Lupicinio International Law Firm is an active member of the Antitrust Alliance, an excellent example of the CLUST_er model, which is formed by an alliance of law firms specialised in Competition Law. ATA provides global Competition Law services in Europe and has a Band 1 ranking in Chambers & Partners. ATA combines three important factors: cognitive desire, a sense of collaboration and flexibility in pricing.
To read the all article, please click on the following enlace.
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Lupicinio International Law Firm
C/ Villanueva 29
28001 Madrid
P: +34 91 436 00 90