2022-02-22 Opinion Article

Today 22 February 2022 President Biden has signed a new Executive Order (attached) Blocking Property Of Certain Persons And Prohibiting Certain Transactions With Respect To “Continued Russian Efforts To Undermine The Sovereignty And Territorial Integrity Of Ukraine “. The list of persons and entities sanctioned under this new order has not yet been published.

In addition, OFAC has issued Ukraine General License Number 17, Ukraine General License Number 18, Ukraine General License Number 19, Ukraine General License Number 20, Ukraine General License Number 21 and Ukraine General License Number 22 (attached).

As regards the United Kingdom, three natural persons and five entities have today been added to the UK sanctioned list (“UKSL” List). These entities are: Bank of Russia, Black Sea Bank for Development and Reconstruction, Joint Stock Company Genbank, IS Bank and Public Joint Stock Company Promsvyazbank. The natural persons are: Shareholders of the Bank of Russia , shareholders of SMP Bank, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of National Telematic Systems and shareholder of RT Invest Transport Systems.


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