Lupicinio International Law Firm expands its international network in China and Turkey

2021-03-29 News
  • Lupicinio International Law Firm consolidates its efforts to offer an exceptional local service in international projects by expanding its alliances with two new countries, China and Turkey.


Based on its experience in complex jurisdictions, and with the need to provide its clients with support during the establishment and development of their activities abroad, Lupicinio International Law Firm is committed to expand in two key regions: China and Turkey.


As in the other countries where they operate under Global Efficiency principles, in China and Turkey, they will have a Local Team to offer a wide range of legal services.


In Turkey, they have joined forces with the renowned law firm ARIKAN PARTNERS. This firm will join their growing network of strong international alliances and help advise their clients with their expert international corporate team.


In Asia, their new partner is LIFANG & PARTNERS, a well-known law firm offering a wide range of legal services, serving clients in both China and South Korea, where they have their own offices.


In the words of Managing Partner Lupicinio Rodriguez: “As in all jurisdictions in which we operate, we operate on the basis of excellence. Our methodology conforms to the most sophisticated standards, but at sustainable rates.”


In this way Lupicinio continues its expansion process, expanding its network outside the national territory with prestigious professionals.


About Lupicinio International Law Firm


Founded in 1980, Lupicinio International Law Firm is a global and multidisciplinary law firm, leader in the Spanish market. With more than 40 years of experience, the firm specialises in providing legal advice on highly complex matters to support companies with global activities.


Its international vocation is predominant, which is materialised through a consolidated network of own, associated, allied or synergic offices in countries such as Dubai, Cuba, Algeria and Iran. In Spain, it has offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Vigo and Valladolid.


The firm and its lawyers have been recognised by the most prestigious legal directories, such as Legal 500, Best Lawyer, IFLR 1000, PLC Leaders Legue, and Chambers and Partners.


Several specialised media have reported on our growth in China and Turkey. Click on the links below to read more:




More information:

Lupicinio International Law Firm

C/ Villanueva 29

28001 Madrid

T: +34 91 436 00 90

F: +34 91 587 24 99



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