Alert: The EU introduces and extends restrictive measures against Belarus

The Regulation (EU) 2024/1865 of 29 June 2024 introduces and extends a series of restrictive measures against Belarus, which the Council believes is responsible for supporting the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. This new regulation amends Regulation (EC) No 765/2006, which implements measures set out in Council Decision 2012/642/CFSP.

Main provisions of Regulation (EU) 2024/1865 are:

  • Export Prohibitions: Extends the prohibition on the export of advanced and dual-use items and technologies, as well as the transit of items that can enhance Belarusian industrial capacities. In addition, it imposes new restrictions on the export of goods related to the aviation industry, the space industry, arms exported from the European Union, maritime navigation products and technology, and luxury goods.
  • Prohibited Services: Prohibits the supply of a number of services to Belarus, including accounting, auditing, tax consultancy, business and management consultancy, public relations, architecture, engineering, computer consultancy and legal services.
  • Import Restrictions: Prohibits the import of coal, other mineral products and gold of Belarusian origin. In addition, it prohibits the import of diamonds, crude oil and products related to oil refining, and natural gas liquefaction.
  • Road Transport: Extends the prohibition on the transport of goods by road in the Union using trailers and semi-trailers registered in Belarus.
  • Advertising and Technical Services: Prohibits advertising services, market research, public opinion polls, product testing and technical inspection services.
  • Temporary Derogations: Introduces temporary derogations to facilitate disinvestment in Belarus by Union operators until 2 January 2025.
  • Transparency and Sanctions: Requires Member States to report on sanctions imposed for violation of restrictive measures and to share relevant information on their implementation.
  • Compensation for Damages: Allows nationals and companies of Member States to claim compensation for damages caused by Belarusian entities in connection with contracts or transactions affected by the restrictive measures.



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