2023-10-18 Press Release

Fátima Rodriguez, head of Criminal, Compliance and International Trade and Sanctions at Lupicinio International Law Firm, has been recognised in the Ranking of Law Professors 2023 in the area of Criminal & Compliance by Todojuristas.com; a leading platform that connects the protagonists of the legal world and is an important meeting point in Spain and Latin America between lawyers and law students, law schools and firms in the legal sector.

On this occasion, Todojuristas.com presents its third edition with the purpose of giving a distinction to those professionals in the legal sector who, in addition to their daily professional responsibilities, contribute significantly to the training of future lawyers in universities, schools and training centres related to the legal field.

LILF is proud to have Fatima Rodríguez as part of its team, and this distinction is a well-deserved recognition for her outstanding work in the academic field and her great commitment to the training of new generations of lawyers. We extend our most sincere congratulations for this achievement, which demonstrates her dedication and passion for the teaching of law. His contribution to the legal and academic community is an example to follow, and his recognition in Todojuristas.com‘s Ranking of Law Professors 2023 is a reflection of his dedication and commitment to his work and teaching.



More information:

Lupicinio International Law Firm

C/ Villanueva 29
28001 Madrid
P: +34 91 436 00 90



International Sanctions, Arbitration, Litigation, Criminal, Competition AND MORE!

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