The General Court of the European Union, by judgment of 26 October 2022, has annulled the inclusion of the former governor of Sevastopol from the official list of persons and entities sanctioned by the European Council.

The plaintiff was first sanctioned in 2017 following his election to the post of Governor in a major region of the Russian Federation, and after leaving that post, he was retained on the list of sanctions because he was appointed Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade in October 2019. The Council did not remove him from the list of sanctioned persons, despite the fact that he had been removed from all public office and political activity on September 2020.

The Sanctions and Trade team of Lupicinio International Law Firm, led by Professor José Luis Iriarte, and Head of International Trade and Sanctions, Eduardo Delage, succeeded in proving that, since September 2020 , there has been no established link between the injured party and the Kremlin. This is the desicion the court came to in its judgement.

It is noteworthy to mention that the General Court of the European Union ordered the European Council to pay all costs associated with the proceedings.



More information:

Lupicinio International Law Firm

C/ Villanueva 29
28001 Madrid
P: +34 91 436 00 90


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