2021-05-31 Newsletters






  • On 18 May 2021, Council Decision (CFSP) 2021/796 amending Decision (CFSP) 2019/797[1] was published in the Official Journal of the European Union.


This amendment extends the application of this Decision until 18 May 2022.




  • On 7 May 2021, Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/743[2] and Council Implementing Decision (CFSP) 2021/751[3] amending, respectively, Annex II of Regulation (EU) 2012/36 and Annex I of Decision 2013/255/CFSP were published in the Official Journal of the European Union.


These amendments update the information concerning one (1) natural person of Syrian nationality.


  • On 28 May 2021, Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/848[4] and Council Decision (CFSP) 2021/855[5] amending, respectively, Annex II of Regulation (EU) 36/2012 and Article 34 of Decision 2013/255/CFSP were published in the Official Journal of the European Union.


These amendments remove five (5) natural persons of Syrian nationality and extend the application of the Decision until 1 June 2022.




  • On 21 May 2021, Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/804[6] and Council Implementing Decision (CFSP) 2021/815[7] amending, respectively, Annex I of Regulation (EU) 747/2014 and the Annex to Decision 2014/450/CFSP were published in the Official Journal of the European Union.


These amendments remove one (1) natural person of Sudanese nationality from the Annexes to the above-mentioned Regulation and Decision.







  • On 17 May 2021, OFAC, pursuant to the Global Terrorism Sanctions Regulations (“SDGT”), has added to the SDN List one (1) natural person of Iraqi nationality for his relationship with the terrorist organisation ISIS, “playing a crucial role in the terrorist organisation’s access to the Middle East financial system”.




  • As of 11 May 2021, OFAC, pursuant to Executive Order 13224 of 23 September 2001, has added seven (7) natural persons of Lebanese nationality to the SDN List for “having acted for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, Hizballah or its financial firm AQAH”.




  • On 17 May 2021, OFAC, by virtue of Executive Order 14014 of 10 February 2021, added sixteen (16) natural persons and one (1) entity, all Burmese, to the SDN List for “violently repressing the democracy movement and being responsible for ongoing violent and lethal attacks against the Burmese people”.




  • As of 12 May 2021, OFAC, pursuant to the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (“Kingpin Act”), has added seven (7) Mexican individuals and two (2) Mexican entities to the SDN List for the distribution and smuggling from Mexico to various US cities of various drugs such as heroin or fentanyl.




  • On 21 May 2021 OFAC, pursuant to the Protecting Europe’s Energy Security Act (“PEESA”), has added three (3) Russian entities to the Non-SDN Menu – Based Sanctions List (reason not specified).


  • As of 21 May 2021, OFAC, pursuant to the PEESA, has added eleven (11) Russian vessels related to these sanctioned entities to the Non-SDN Menu – Based Sanctions List.


  • On 21 May 2021 OFAC, pursuant to the PEESA, has added two (2) Russian vessels to the SDN List (reason not specified).




  • On 17 May 2021, OFAC, pursuant to the SDGT, has added to the SDN List one (1) natural person of Syrian nationality for his relationship with the terrorist organisation ISIS, “playing a crucial role in the terrorist organisation’s access to the Middle East financial system”.




  • On 17 May 2021, OFAC, pursuant to the SDGT, has added one (1) Turkish natural person and one (1) Turkish entity to the SDN List for their relationship with the ISIS terrorist organisation. The designated individuals “have played a critical role in ISIS’s access to the Middle East financial system“.




  • On 20 May 2021, OFAC, pursuant to the Yemen Sanctions Regulations, 31 C.F.R. part 552, added to the SDN List one (1) natural person of Yemeni nationality for “being responsible, in his capacity as an official of the Ansarallah organisation, for terrorist attacks against the civilian population“.


  • On 20 May 2021, OFAC, in a separate action under the SDGT, added one (1) natural person of Yemeni nationality to the SDN List on the grounds that he “poses a significant risk of committing acts of terrorism that threaten the safety and security of U.S. persons“.







  • On 13 May 2021 the UK Government, pursuant to The Libya (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations of 29 December 2020, added three (3) natural persons and one (1) Libyan entity to the UK Sanctions List (“UKSL List”) for “having reasonable grounds to suspect that the al-Kaniyat militia has committed serious human rights abuses and violations of international humanitarian law”. The sanction imposed consists, for natural persons, of an asset freeze and a travel ban. For the entity, the freezing of assets.




  • On 17 May 2021 the UK Government, pursuant to The Myanmar Sanctions Regulations of 31 December 2020, has added one (1) Burmese entity to the UKSL List for its involvement in reprisals against the civilian population. The sanction imposed is an asset freeze.


More information:

C/ Villanueva 29, 28001 Madrid

T: +34 91 436 00 90

Av. Diagonal 520, 08006 Barcelona

T: +34 93 488 28 02


[1] Council Decision (CFSP) 2021/796 of 17 May 2021 amending Decision (CFSP) 2019/797 concerning restrictive measures against cyber attacks that threaten the Union or its Member States.

[2] Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/743 of 6 May 2021 implementing Regulation (EU) No 36/2012 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Syria.

[3] Council Implementing Decision (CFSP) 2021/751 of 6 May 2021 implementing Decision 2013/255/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against Syria.

[4] Council Decision (CFSP) 2021/855 of 27 May 2021 amending Decision 2013/255/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against Syria.

[5] Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/848 of 27 May 2021 implementing Regulation (EU) No 36/2012 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Syria.

[6] Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/804 of 20 May 2021 implementing Article 15(3) of Regulation (EU) No 747/2014 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Sudan.

[7] Council Implementing Decision (CFSP) 2021/815 of 20 May 2021 implementing Decision 2014/450/CFSP concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Sudan.



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