Esther Cubillo: Attorney of the Year by “Lawyer Monthly”


Esther Cubillo

Madrid, 8th July 2019 – The partner and director of the Litigation and Procedural Department of Lupicinio International Law Firm, Esther Cubillo, has been awarded by the magazine Lawyer Monthly as attorney of the year, “Women in Law 2019”. The award has been given in recognition of “her outstanding experience and legal contribution within the area of Banking and Finance”. The research team has highlighted Esther’s series of achievements over the past 18 months.

In addition, Lawyer Monthly which annually dedicates a publication to women in the legal sector, has valued Esther`s legal expertise, customer service innovation, customer testimonials and recognitions in legal directories.

Among Cubillo’s recent work, she has advised leading financial institutions in Catalunya and Madrid, as well as international companies within real estate. The partner, who has continued to develop at Lupicinio International Law Firm since 1998, has emphasized that the quality of customer service is a large part of her success: “We are well known for our loyalty to our clients and, as a result, they entrust us with problems that may at times involve challenges to their reputation, in the case of which we try to find a compromise not only before the start of legal proceedings, but also once they are in progress.”

Finally, Cubillo emphasized that such awards are essential in order to inspire new generations of women in the legal sector: “The percentage of partners in large firms is limited to 16%. I believe that the work of recognizing women in the sector sends a message of trust to those at the bottom of the pyramid.”


Founded in 1980, Lupicinio International Law Firm is a multidisciplinary law firm. The firm has established itself as the first Spanish-speaking firm with a well-established practice in the Luxembourg Court of Justice in the field of litigations in sanctions, obtaining two victories in such litigation.



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