Commitment to diversity

2019-10-01 News



  • The firm signs the Manifesto for Equality on the Boards of Directors and Executive Committees of the association “Women in a Legal World”

Madrid, October 1, 2019Lupicinio International Law Firm, a multidisciplinary boutique, has signed the “Manifesto for Equality on the Boards of Directors and Executive Committees”. The initiative, promoted by the association Women in a Legal World (WLW), aims to connect existing  projects or or those in progress from education, institutions and businesses, for the achievement of diversity in the Boards of Directors.

Fatima Rodríguez, coordinator of the firm’s Criminal Area, has ratified the manifesto, expressing that it is not only a question of achieving equitable representation on the Boards of Directors, but also seeks to train new generations: “The percentage of members in large firms is limited to 16%. I believe that a strong commitment to the transparency of policies on diversity will encourage equality and inspire new generations.

In this way, the new commitment consolidates the firm’s strategy to attract female talent. In May 2019, the Firm announced two new signings: Ana Camacho as director of the International Area and Marina Paradela as director of Energy and Mining. In addition, Esther Cubillo, partner and director of the Litigation and Procedural Department, was awarded in July as “Women in Law 2019” lawyer of the year by Lawyer Monthly magazine.


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