Clarification of advice to the Venezuelan State

2019-03-22 News

The potential contract is intended to exclusively serve sanctions until the end of 2019.

Lupicinio International Law Firm announces its framework agreement with the Attorney General of Venezuela Office, the equivalent to the State Attorney General’s Office in Spain. The contract is schedules to exclusively serve international sanctions to the Venezuelan State until the end of 2019.

The defense is not directed to a “shielding of assets” but to representation and defense of the interests of State institutions, to which they are entitled under all applicable laws against the sanctioning regulations in force at any time.

The firm clarifies that the agreement has not yet come into force and that, thus, the list of issues it will address has not yet been determined. Likewise, the law firm explains that, in the event that there is a specific assignment, the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Committee of the firm will have to decide for itself whether to accept the management in question and it must ensure that there is no conflict.

The Company, founded in 1980, declares that it has a long tradition in this type of professional activity. Its team of lawyers have won cases in the Luxermbourg Court, defending the interests of companies and institutions located in countries that have been sanctioned by the international community.

Lupicinio International Law Firm maintains firm relationships with jurisdictions and companies that have been sanctioned, for which it has won important cases in the defense of the interests of its clients.

Finally, the Spanish law firm reaffirms that other firms in the USA and the UK also work for these types of clients regarding the matter of sanctions. In light of this, Lupicinio International Law Firm has managed to become the first Spanish-speaking firm to achieve global recognition in the practice of these sanctions.


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