We are pleased to share with you an article written by Javier Jiménez Ugarte, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain and Of Counsel of Lupicinio International Law Firm, which is included in the book “Temas de Mediação de Arbitragem VII”, published by EDITORA LEX of Porto Alegre, Brazil. This article presents an interesting account of the situation of administrative mediation in Spain, addressing the autonomous and specific regulations governing the matter. Its approach offers an analytical vision of administrative mediation in the Spanish context.

We congratulate Javier Jiménez Ugarte on the publication of his article, which highlights his in-depth knowledge and experience in the legal field of mediation and his ability to analyse and explain the complexities of administrative mediation.

To read the article click on the following link (only in Spanish)



More information:

Lupicinio International Law Firm

C/ Villanueva 29
28001 Madrid
P: +34 91 436 00 90



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