Golden Visа in Spain

Team of Lawyers specialised in Relocation

Relocation: Golden Visa

Lupicinio International Law Firm is a multidisciplinary law firm with international vocation. We have extensive experience in assisting foreign nationals in their commercial and real estate projects in Spain. For this purpose, we offer relocation services, whose main objective is to facilitate and optimise the relocation experience of our clients in Spanish territory. We fully guide our clients through the process of establishment in the new destination, including all the formalities that must be fulfilled before, during and after the relocation, whether temporary or permanent.  

Spain promotes investments made by foreigners who are not citizens of the European Union by means of an agile and flexible methodology. Indeed, according to Law 14/2013 of September 27, a new type of visa and residence permit for investors known as “Golden Visa” has been introduced in Spain.  

LILF has a comprehensive range of services for applicants to the “Golden Visa” program. We have experience in advising and managing the obtaining of visas and residence permits for investors (including families), as well as in advising and accompanying them in everything necessary for establishment in Spain, from the supervision of the search process and advice on the acquisition of housing to the identification of commercial or entrepreneurial opportunities (franchise offers, business, etc.), as well as other matters related to the establishment in Spanish territory, such as immigration and taxation issues, help with administrative and bureaucratic procedures, support in legal matters, ensuring a high level of satisfaction in our clients.


  • Comprehensive advice on the regulations of the “Golden Visa” program. 
  • Carrying out the procedures related to obtaining the residence visa through the “Golden Visa” program, both in origin and by direct application, if the foreigner is in Spain.  
  • Advice and management for the completion of all the procedures until obtaining the subsequent residence authorisation for investors.
  • Accompaniment in the search and advice in the acquisition of housing.
  • Advice in the identification of investment opportunities and in the execution of the same. 
  • Advice on the tax treatment of investments, analysing the individual tax regime of the investor, even in coordination with the investor’s tax advisors. 




Jesús Salmerón



Requirements to obtain the Golden Visa in Spain

In order to apply for an investment visa, Spanish law establishes several requirements that the applicant must fulfil, the main ones being the following:

  1. Impact investment: The applicant must make a significant investment in Spain to be eligible for this type of visa. This investment can be of various types:
    • Investment in real estate: You must make an investment in real estate in Spain for a minimum value of 500,000 euros. This investment can include the purchase of one or more properties.
    • Investment in companies: You can also obtain the Golden Visa if you make a significant investment in a Spanish company, such as buying shares or creating jobs.
    • Investment in investment funds or bank deposits: Another option is to invest at least EUR 1 million in Spanish investment funds or deposit at least EUR 1 million in a Spanish bank account.
    • Investment in public debt: You can obtain the Golden Visa if you buy Spanish public debt for a minimum value of 2 million euros.
  2. Criminal record: You must prove that you have no criminal record in Spain or in previous countries of residence in the last five years.
  3. Health insurance: You will need to have private health insurance in Spain that provides full coverage for you and your family for the duration of your stay.
  4. Financial means: You must demonstrate that you have sufficient financial resources to support yourself and your family while residing in Spain, without relying on public assistance.
  5. Residence permit: Once you meet the above requirements, you can apply for an investor residence permit, which will allow you to live and work in Spain for an initial period of one year. This permit is renewable and may eventually lead to permanent residence.

It is important to note that regulations may change over time, so it is recommended to check with the Spanish immigration authorities or consult an up-to-date immigration lawyer for accurate and up-to-date information on the Golden Visa in Spain.

Frequently asked questions about the Golden Visa programme

What is the Golden Visа and how does it work?

The Golden Visa is a relocation programme for investors that allows foreign citizens to obtain a temporary residence visa in a country in exchange for a significant investment in the economy of the issuing country. This initiative emerged in Portugal in 2012, with the aim of attracting foreign investors to the Portuguese economy, and subsequently spread to other European countries, including Spain.

The Golden Visa has become a very attractive tool to attract foreign investors, as it offers the opportunity to obtain a temporary residence visa in exchange for an investment in the economy of the issuing country. This programme has been implemented in several European countries with the aim of attracting foreign investors and stimulating the local economy.

In the case of Spain, the Golden Visa has become a very popular programme among foreign nationals, especially those looking for a way to invest in the Spanish real estate market. In addition, the programme has also been designed to stimulate business creation and investment in strategic sectors of the country, such as technology and renewable energy.

Since its implementation in Spain, the Golden Visa has attracted a large number of foreign investors seeking to obtain a temporary residence visa and benefit from the country’s economic and political stability. In addition, the programme has also been a great success for the Spanish real estate sector, stimulating investment in the real estate market and contributing to the growth of the sector.

How much does the Golden Visа cost?

The cost of the Golden Visa in Spain may vary depending on the nature of the investment made. In general, the minimum investment amount required is 500,000 euros. In addition, there are also additional costs associated with the investment, such as taxes, fees and legal fees, which may increase the total cost of the programme. Therefore, it is important to take all these factors into account when calculating the total cost of the Golden Visa in Spain.

What are the requirements to apply for a Golden Visа in Spain?

The requirements to apply for a Golden Visa vary according to the country offering it, but in Spain, the main requirements include a minimum investment in a property or business, health insurance, no criminal record and proof that the investment comes from legitimate funds.

What are the benefits of obtaining a Golden Visа?

Obtaining a Golden Visa can have various benefits, depending on the country offering it. In the case of Spain, the benefits include the possibility to live and work in the country legally, the facility to travel within the Schengen area, access to public health, education and other services, as well as the possibility to obtain permanent residence after five years.

How long does the application process for investor residency in Spain take?

The application process for investor residency in Spain can vary in time, but it normally takes around one month to receive provisional approval and up to six months for final approval. The processing time may also depend on the workload of the competent authorities.

Can I renew my Golden Visа in Spain and what is the procedure?

The renewal process must be initiated three months before the expiry date of the visa, and the same requirements must be met as for the initial application. The renewal period is two years.

Can I include my family in my Golden Visа application?

Yes, in most cases, it is possible to include the family in a Golden Visa application in Spain. Eligible family members include spouse, children under the age of 18 and, in some cases, children over the age of 18 and dependent parents or grandparents.

What happens if my Golden Visа application is denied?

If an application for a Golden Visa is rejected, it is possible to file an administrative appeal or a contentious-administrative appeal in court. It is also possible to file a new application if the necessary requirements are met.

Which is better, an investor's residence or a retirement home?

The choice between a Golden Visa and a retirement residence in Spain will depend on the individual needs of each person. If you are looking to live in Spain as an investor, the Golden Visa may be the best option, as it offers the possibility to work and do business in the country. On the other hand, if you are looking for a quiet life in retirement, the retirement residence may be a more suitable option.

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