Asia is characterized by both its vast dimensions and the range of cultures it unites. It is the largest and most highly populated continent on Earth. It is home to 61% of the world’s population and made up of 48 countries, some of which have experienced the beginnings of tremendous growth in recent years. This is the case of the so-called “four Asian tigers”: South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan, up to the current commercial giant China, whose economic influence has firmly positioned itself in the international market.

This also means a great opportunity to undertake new business in the continent, although those who decide to do business in these countries must take into account the enormous cultural and legal differences and do it accompanied by a lawyer with real experience in the region. In order to support our clients, in Lupicinio International Law Firm we have signed collaboration agreements in most of the countries of this continent. Hand in hand with you and with our coordination, you will mitigate the risks and will be able to bring your project to a successful conclusion.

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