India is a very lucrative country for all types of business, be it imports and exports, investments, expansion of supply chains or as a consumer market. It is one of the most popular destinations for global business.

As in the rest of the countries where we operate under the principles of Global Efficiency, in India we maintain this working method. We have the required experience to offer the highest quality of service.

In addition to its large size, India has the largest youth population in the world, with 65% of the population expected to be under the age of 35 in the second half of this decade. India’s industrial growth has led it to become a world leader and a key source of expertise in the areas of pharmaceuticals, information technology and telecommunications. In addition, due to population growth and the development of the middle class, service industries are beginning to flourish.

The Indian legal sector is highly regulated and governed by a complex regime of overlapping laws, where the Bar Council of India along with other bodies have created an artificial barrier against foreign law firms in India. However, thanks to our expertise and local knowledge, we have been able to cater to all our clients’ needs in this jurisdiction with effective and responsive global coordination.

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