We are a law firm that considers corporate social responsibility to be the cornerstone of our business model, integrating it into our daily activity and our relations with society and the market. Our way of working is based on firm values, we always provide a personalised and quality service, acting with integrity in all circumstances.


Lupicinio International Law Firm is governed by an Executive Committee comprising the following partners:

Managing Partner:  Lupicinio Rodríguez

Permanent members of the Executive Committee:

  • Luis Manuel García
  • Ángel Valdés
  • We advance costs – with transparent and flexible budgets – to our clients. We adapt with austerity to the financial circumstances of the company in crisis. As a sign of our commitment to CSR, some of the members of our firm have promoted, together with other lawyers, the foundation of «Scevola«, the Association for Ethics and Quality in the Legal Profession.
    This Association was born with the aim of promoting the knowledge and effective exercise of the values of ethical and professional solvency among lawyers and to this end, develops training, information and promotion activities. To find out more about this association, click here to access its website.


    Manager: Jorge Astorqui.

    Our accounts auditor is the company MR Asesores and our Intellectual Property and Data Protection audit is carried out by Informa Consulting.


    We encourage the firm’s pro bono activity from an individual perspective, promoting the assumption of individual responsibility by each of our professionals towards society and supporting them in the development of the activities and projects they decide to undertake, especially in their social and sporting environment. Two examples of activities promoted in recent years by some members of our team of professionals are:

    1. Participation in the “ResKate” project for the promotion of urban skating, in the context of the programme “La noche más joven con apoyo financiero del Ayuntamiento de Madrid” (The youngest night with financial support from the Madrid City Council).
    1. Sponsorship of the García Lorca Theatre Ballet.


Contact our lawyers in Spain or in any of the countries where we have an international presence.

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