Far East and Australia

The Pacific region has great trade opportunities. It is now a centre of influence in the emerging international community.The most obvious strategic focus is on China with its large population and market, focused on the economic and political centres of Beijing and Shanghai, but there are many other opportunities in the Far East. Japan and South Korea, which have established markets, will be relevant and influential countries in the world we are heading towards.

Another key element is the large number of developing countries, such as Vietnam and Thailand, with growing tourism sectors.

Among the most important players in the region is Australia, one of the favourite destinations for law firms from all over the world. It is a country with a strong British influence and a strong Western culture. It has an open and free wealth, with a GDP that places it as the 13th largest economy in the world. Australia has a legal system similar to that found in European countries, which encourages expansion, investment and export.

Due to the difference in culture and business practice, at LILF we can help you through our globally efficient business model.

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