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International Law Firm

CLUSTER Lupicinio

International Law, International Trade, Transnational Law



Law degree from the University of Deusto in 1998. Doctor in Law from the University of Deusto in 2007, with European mention.


As an Associate Professor, she has been teaching at the Public University of Navarra and since 2007 at the University of Deusto. She is linked to the Area of Transnational Law, and she has taught in undergraduate and postgraduate courses at diverse national and international universities. She is currently a visiting professor at the Law School of the Jean-Moulin Lyon 3 University, Faculté de Droit Canonique – Institut Catholique de Toulouse, Riga School of Law, Universidad Centroamericana de Nicaragua (UCA) and Universidad del Istmo (Guatemala).

Merits and recognitions

Marta obtained ANECA (National Agency of Evaluation of Quality and Accreditation in Spain). She is a member of the Law School of the University of Navarra and of the Law School of the Basque Country: institutions in charge of judging doctoral theses. For more than ten years, she has been involved in important research projects commissioned by the European Commission and the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness.


Law degree from the University of Deusto, where she graduated in 1998. Doctor in Law from the University of Deusto, where she defended her thesis in 2007 and got the highest qualification and an European Mention.


English, French and Spanish.


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