Our team

International Law Firm

Senior Counsel

Energy Law, Mining and Environmental Law, related to these areas: Contentious-Administrative Proceedings



Degree in Law, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1989). Doctorate in Administrative Law, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1999). Master's degree in Constitutional Law and Political Science from the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies, under the Office of the President of the Government (1998).


Dr. García Matos has been practicing law in the field of Administrative Law for more than 25 years, specialising in Mining and Environmental Law. His area of expertise is mainly legal counselling on the acquisition, development and management of mining rights, from the start of the project until the end of activities, while helping clients planning the right strategy, conducting licensing administrative procedures, as well as identifying and managing potential conflicts with the third parties involved. He also conducts the defence of clients in administrative and contentious-administrative actions. Dr. García Matos has a wide experience in managing start-ups and SMEs, and he assists companies in the whole national territory and abroad.

On the other hand, he is equally committed to providing legal counselling and defence in legal proceedings to individuals, private companies and local Administrations, regarding public procurement, Urban Law, Energy Law, compulsory expropriation, Public Administrations assets, Administration’s financial/material liability, sanctioning administrative law, as well as in other areas which are part of his daily business.

Professional associations
Madrid Bar Association.

Spanish, English and German.



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