Our team

International Law Firm

Senior Associate

Banking and Corporate Law



Graduate in Law and Business Administration and Management (ADE) from the Autonomous University of Madrid (2008). Preparation for the Civil Service Examinations for the Corps of Property and Mercantile Property and Mercantile Registrars at the Academy of Registrars in Madrid (2008-2014). Various courses at the Centro de Estudios Financieros (CEF): Commercial Contracts, Corporate Practice and Company Law, Urban Planning.


Borja de Cárdenas Aréizaga is a senior lawyer of the Firm who specializes in legal areas such as Financial-Banking, Commercial, Corporate-Real Estate, and Civil Law. He regularly advises both domestic and foreign banking institutions, financial institutions, and  investment services companies in matters such as contractual banking, civil and corporate law, and project finance, as well as in transactional banking, securities and real estate guarantees, and refinancing and debt restructurings. He began his career in the Banking and Capital Markets department of Gómez-Acebo&Pombo and has also served as an external lawyer for the Santander Group.


  • Member of the Madrid Bar Association since 2011.
  • Since its incorporation in 2014, he has held the position of Trustee and Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Cárdenas Foundation.

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