Our team

International Law Firm

Senior Counsel

Canon Law, Civil Law, Derecho Civil, Family and Succesions



Degree in Economic Law from the University of Deusto (Bilbao). Master's degree specialising in Family and Inheritance Law at Zarraluqui, Family Lawyers.

Alia holds a degree in Economic Law from the University of Deusto (Bilbao) and a Master’s degree in Family and Inheritance Law from Zarraluqui, Abogados de Familia. She is a specialist in Matrimonial and Canonical Procedural Law and is qualified to handle canonical marriage annulment cases before the Ecclesiastical Courts. Moreover, she is a member of the Madrid Bar Association and a member of the Spanish Association of Family Lawyers (AEAFA).

She has more than 10 years of professional experience, exclusively, in Family Law and Inheritance Law; however, she is currently working in other legal areas such as Real Estate Law.

For a large part of his professional life, she has worked at Santiago de Miota Abogados de Familia (Madrid), a boutique firm specialised in Family and Inheritance Law with more than 40 years of experience.


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