Work with Us

What we offer

Lupicinio International Law Firm has, since its incorporation, made a clear commitment to the best talent. We can offer excellent training grounded in the ethical values required of working in the legal profession.

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What we look for

Law graduates who have passed the entrance examination and have a clear vocation for the practice of law. The possession of a second degree will be appreciated, as well as complementary masters or postgraduate training and extra-curricular or professional experience in the sector. If you are a professional who values ethics, quality and rigour, Lupicinio International Law Firm can offer you a successful career. In addition, we occasionally recruit experienced professionals to cover specific needs or to reinforce certain areas. If you feel that your experience and knowledge could be of great value to our organisation, please send us your CV and a letter explaining why you would like to join us. Submit your application

Our selection procedure

Our selection process is ongoing and if you would like to be considered you only need to send us your CV and academic record through our website. Candidates who are preselected by our Human Resources Department must pass a selection process that typically includes the following phases:

  • Solving a test-case aimed at assessing your knowledge of the law and legal principles
  • Personal interviews


We have signed agreements with various universities and academic institutions. If you would like an internship with us, please contact us though the form with details of your university or place of study in which you are currently completing your studies.

Come and meet us

We pride ourselves on being an open law firm and, as such, once a year we invite all those professionals who wish to see how we work to come and visit us. If you would like detailed information about this event, please contact us though the form with the subject: “Jornada de Puertas Abiertas / Open Day”.

Secondments Program

In order to provide the highest level of service to our clients we need to know their business in great depth. Our secondment program has been designed with this in mind and involves one of our lawyers working in our clients’ offices. If you are a Legal Department director and would like more information about this program and how it could benefit your company, please contact us though the form.

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