
Team of Lawyers specialized in Mediation

Areas of Expertise

  • International mediations
  • Intercultural mediations
  • Corporate mediations
  • Financial mediations
  • Inheritance mediations
  • Civil mediations
  • Family mediations
  • Sports mediations
  • Real estate mediations
  • Labour mediations
  • Criminal mediations
  • Administrative mediations
  • Insurance mediations
  • Air transport mediations
  • Consumer mediations
  • Neighbourhood mediations

Javier Giménez-Ugarte

Former Ambassador of Spain, Senior Counsel of LILF

Area Manager

The Team International

Our local coordinators work as a team on the issues that pertain to this area of ​​practice with the allied, associated or correspondent firm in their jurisdiction. This firm has specialists in this area of ​​practice who work in English, as well as in their local languages.

National and International Mediation

Our International Mediation Department applies the best techniques of the different existing schools, and absolute priority is given to confidentiality.

In the world of international law subjects, and taking advantage of the long diplomatic career of its current head, we keep in contact, in the field of legal, social and political conflicts, with specialised Institutions, such as the ‘Centre for Peace’ of Toledo, chaired by Emilio Cassinello, and the ‘Department of Peace and Conflicts Research’ of the University of Uppsala, chaired by Peter Wallensteen.

In the more strictly private field of the rights of natural or legal persons, we encourage and accept collaborations with other professionals based on our conviction that the search for an agreement between the parties is always better than a lawsuit, as reiterated in our various public writings in favour of a ‘Culture for Peace’. This is why the person in charge of the Area, – recognised as a ‘Mediator’ by the Spanish Ministry of Justice – is today a member of the Steering Committee of the ‘Centro para la Mediacion Empresarial de la Cámara de Comercio de Madrid’ (CMEM), and appears on the lists of Mediators of the ‘Corte Civil y Mercantil de Arbitraje de Madrid’ (CIMA) and of the ‘Centro de Mediacion del Colegio de Abogados de Madrid’, (MEDIAICAM).

In our Mediation Area we scrupulously respect the most recent ‘Codes of Conduct’ such as those approved by the ICC of Paris, ICSID of Washington, the SCC of Stockholm and the CIMA of Madrid, as well as the recommendations of the ‘Council of Europe’ formulated in 2018.

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