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International Law Firm

Senior Associate




Master's Degree in Access to the Legal Profession and Graduate in Law from the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Social Graduate (RRLL) from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Salamanca, Advanced Technician in Occupational Risk Prevention in the three specialities (Occupational Safety, Industrial Hygiene and Ergonomics and Applied Psycho-sociology), Master's Degree in Accounting, Taxation and Consultancy (CEG-Salamanca) and Advanced Course in Labour Law, Social Security and Labour Procedure, other courses and complementary training.


Ricardo Acosta Fernández joined the Labour Department of Lupicinio International Law Firm in 2019. Since 1996, he has combined his professional practice as a Social Graduate with social, labour and tax consultancy for companies. He has worked in business consultancy since the beginning, combining consultancy work with personnel and PRL management in companies in his portfolio, mainly in companies in the industrial and construction sectors.

He was a founding partner of the company INTER VIAM S.L., dedicated to comprehensive business consultancy, real estate management and management of hotel and catering businesses.

Currently, also as a lawyer, he provides legal advice and consultancy services to companies in the field of labour relations and personnel management, as well as representation and defence in the social jurisdictional order.


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