Our team

International Law Firm

Of Counsel

Administrative, Commercial Law, Derecho Administrativo, Digital and New Technologies, Digital y Nuevas Tecnologías, Intellectual Property, Propiedad Intelectual, Societario, Telecommunications



Law Degree and Master's Degree in Law from San Pablo CEU. MBA from Instituto de Empresa de Madrid (IE)



Luis Perezagua has extensive experience as a business lawyer, with more than twenty years of work experience in strategy and business support solutions. As an administrative lawyer by training and vocation, he has been able to develop a profound understanding of how to advance the development of a company.

He has significant experience in assisting in matters of corporate relations in the private sector although with a fundamental emphasis in the international development of business in law firms and companies. From very early in his career, Luis Perezagua also gathered experience in the telecommunications sector. He oversaw communication rights, new technologies, Intellectual and Industrial Property, and the gave his counsel to provide legal protection to his clients within the audiovisual sector.

In his experience in being a fundamental source of counsel to large companies linked to both the public sector (Nomura, Baselga, Ahold, Enatcar, Madritel, Amena, Mytos, PolyTech, Bow Power, Endesa, Bioarag, Enron…) and the private sector (HP, LG, Telefónica, Vubiquity, Etisalat, Ilion Studios, U-TAD, HeyYouGames, Red Points, CooPeeRight, Tarlogic, 1785, Aura AM, A&A, Brigantia…), he has developed an extensive global vision of telecommunication rights and their limitations within the audiovisual sector.

In firms such as Cuatrecasas, Gómez-Acebo & Pombo, S.J. Berwin (now King & Wood Mallesons), AKRO Abogados y Asesores, Aldeasa (now DUFRY), or the Telefónica Group, he has utilized his experience to assist in the management, negotiation, drafting, and signing of agreements of all kinds, from corporate agreements (creation of companies, transfer of productive assets, acquisitions) to the strategic design agreements for the creation of new companies.

He also has extensive experience in the making of film production contracts, in the management of gaming companies, in file encoding, hosting, and he has even been involved in the drafting of legislative proposals from the perspective of the audiovisual industry (SESIAD Plans and governmental Agenda 2030).

In the academic field, he is Professor of Negotiation at Francisco de Vitoria University and is an active mentor in the 3PRO mentoring programs of the San Pablo CEU University and of Women in Business at IE University.


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