Our team

International Law Firm

Business Of Counsel

Internationalisation and Foreign Investment Processes.



Bachelor’s Degree in Law from Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. MBA from the Instituto de Empresa. In-company courses at IESE and Manchester Business School.


Jose has extensive experience in the international worlds of both OECD and developing markets. He has worked in the Planning and International Network department of ENASA-Pegaso, where he was responsible for the creation of subsidiaries and concessionaires in foreign markets. Subsequently, he performed the role of Director of Multilateral Financing at FOCOEX and Director of Operations at EXPANSION EXTERIOR, both companies belonging to the Secretary of State for Trade-ICEX. He has also been Director of International Business at Iberdrola Ingenieria, coinciding with the beginning of the international expansion of the Iberdrola Group. Currently he is a Senior Advisor in Internationalisation to the President of GRUPO STIN, an engineering company specialising in the hydrocarbon and energy sectors. Throughout his career he has been responsible for numerous international investment operations, the creation of joint ventures, international consortia and for international contracts and tenders. He has been involved in a large number of international financings and pre-financings and their underwriting. His experience and know-how covers various international markets in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, as well as the European, Russian, LATAM and US markets.


Former Advisor to the Investment and International Trade Council of the Spanish Ministry of Economy.


Spanish, English and French.


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