Our team

International Law Firm


Banking and Finance, Bankruptcy, Civil Law, Derecho Civil, Litigation



Degree in Commercial Law at Garrigues. Master's Degree in Access to the Legal Profession at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Faculty of Law (ICADE), specialising in Business Law.


Francisco has done his undergraduate internship in the Commercial Law Department of Garrigues, under the supervision of partner Jose Luis Ortín Romero, in which he has participated in operations, such as M&A, private equity, venture capital, acquisition financing and project finance transactions.


He is specialised in litigation, civil and bankruptcy matters related to the financial and banking activity of Spanish credit institutions.

He has provided legal assistance in all types of recovery proceedings, with special mention of mortgage proceedings, and defended the interests of these entities in claims of unfairness of the clauses of adhesion contracts and general contracting conditions (IRPH, early maturity, floor/ceiling, late payment).

Among the clients he has represented are the following: SAREB and MONTSERRAT.


Spanish and English.


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