Our team

International Law Firm

CLUSTER Lupicinio

Arbitraje, Arbitration, Insurance, International Sanctions



University of Zurich, bachelor degree in Swiss law programme. Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree in International and European law at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) MGIMO.


Dmitry Artyukhov has an extensive experience as a business lawyer trusted by internationally stock-listed companies. He is focused on providing the best assistance in markets affected by turbulent national legislation, trade bans and seizures, sanctions, and the arrest of assets. Well-versed in CISG and the New York Conventions, UNCITRAL Model law, the ECHR, and international legal aid conventions. Editor of the bilingual journal on international and domestic arbitration since 2018.


Dmitry has worked with Swiss-domiciled trading companies in the cantons of Zurich and Zug. He has represented an HNWI private client in the settlement of a claim against a major Swiss bank worth 1.5M Franks. Dmitry regularly represents international companies and insurance brokers in litigation against state bodies, such as the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In March 2022 he helped to prevent EUR 800K+ losses by drafting a legal opinion on Russian counter-sanctions Decree №79 restricting currency turnover for foreign companies.


Dmitry has been appointed Tribunal Secretary for the Arbitration Centre at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in 2021 and took part in disputes arising from construction, shipping and loan agreements. He is frequently elected as an arbitrator for international arbitration moot courts, such as the RAA Online Moot or Willem C. Vis Pre-moot student contests.


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